Chicago Public Schools requires all adults who regularly work in schools – including CPS employees, coaches, volunteers, and vendors – will go through a background before working with students. This requirement is to promote student safety and builds on the comprehensive Plan of Action the district outlined to protect students and will ensure that every adult who works in CPS schools contributes to a safe educational environment. Chess coaches, assistant coaches and volunteers that are participating in the Academic Chess and/or the Cops & Kids programs must all comply with the background screening process. Before interaction with students, all must be cleared to do so. No exceptions will be granted. For more information contact your school's administration.
The CPS Acceptable Use of Technology Guidance site was created to provide staff, students, and parents with guidance and supporting information to ensure the appropriate use of CPS technology.
The site addresses and sets standards of behavior for the use of the CPS network, devices, digital platforms and communications, and interactions among CPS staff and students. Given the rapid pace of technological advancement, we are committed to keeping students and their personal information safe and secure. Our goal is to provide the resources they need to prepare for the future as responsible digital citizens.
- 24-25 Permission Form/Data Sheet- English
- 24-25 Permission Form/Data Sheet – Spanish
- CPS Media Release – English
- CPS Media Release – Spanish
- 24-25 Payroll Form
- Student Behavior & Chaperone Responsibilities at Tournaments
- Guide to Registering for In-Person Tournaments
- Guide to Checking in at Tournaments
- Guide to Coaching Chess
- Guide to Chess Tournaments
- Guide to Good Sportsmanship
- Guide to the Rules & Etiquette of Chess Competition
- Guide to the Miscellaneous Employee Application Process
- 24-25 Academic Chess & Cops & Kids Schools
- 24-25 List of In-Person Tournaments
- 24-25 Rules & Regulation
- 24-25 Coaches Meeting Video
- 24-25 Coaches Meeting PowerPoint
- 24-25 New Coaches Seminar Video
- 24-25 Parent Seminar Video
- 24-25 Parent Seminar PowerPoint
- Teaching Chess Step By Step – Teacher’s Manual
- Teaching Chess Step By Step Student Exercise Book
- Comprehensive Chess Course, Vol. 2: From Beginner to Tournament Player
- The Chess GPS – Improvement
- The Chess GPS – Your Move – Your Choice
- Chess Strategy for the Tournament Player
- Chess Tactics for the Tournament Player
- Chess Openings for White
- Chess Openings for Black
- The King in Jeopardy: The Best Techniques for Attack and Defense
- The Tarrasch Formula