First Move

First Move uses chess as a tool for increasing critical thinking skills, strategy, reading aptitude, math, technology, writing as well as social and behavior development. First Move lessons are provided for an hour once a week for 28 weeks during math instruction. This program is easy to implement and doesn’t require prior chess knowledge.  Additionally, First Move teachers receive training and on-going support as needed throughout the year. The program incorporates an imaginary character called the “Chess Lady who teach chess through a weekly video that features games and activities.

First Move is an in-classroom curriculum for second and third graders. The First Move organization and CPS partner to implement this program. The First Move organization and private donors fund the program, so it is at no cost to CPS schools. In addition, the First Move organization provides materials and lesson plans for classroom instruction and additional materials to study at home.

Interested in having your school participate in the Academic Chess First Move Program? Contact us by email at
