Guide for Teaching Chess

ChessKid has created a new ebook for teachers, coaches, parents, who want to learn to use ChessKid to teach chess. Using this eBook format, we can link you directly to the right resources, videos, articles, and case studies that will guide you step by step.

Download the ebook to get their expert advice on teaching chess such as:

  • More than 75 specific how-tos for a variety of chess topics.
  • Examples of schools using ChessKid’s Classroom Planner and Chess Curriculum.
  • Easy checklists on how to set up a successful chess tournament.

November 21 – Fall K-12 Online Tournament

Join us online for our Fall online chess tournament on ChessKid while you enjoy you break from school. The tournament is open to all CPS students in grades K-12. To participate in the tournament students must have their ChessKid account associated with our Enterprise Account 3 days prior to the tournament. Click here for more info.

Join tournament opens at 9:30 am and Round 1 starts at 10:00 pm. The tournament features 1 section for all players.


CPS All-Stars Results

On Saturday, October 22, 278 students from 37 schools participated in our first tournament of the season. The tournament saw many student returning to compete for another year and many new faces competing at their first tournament. The students, chaperones, and staff had a fun filled day of chess and went home well fed.

One coach wrote “Most of our students were nervous, anxious and timid coming into the day. For many of them, it was their first inter-school competition of any sort ever, much less chess. Being able to play in a tournament that was so well run with such great direction and a general sense of joy was huge for them: they left the tournament today totally bought into chess. They’re asking for more practice, more tournaments, more play with other students.”

Congratulations to all the students who came out and competed in this wonderful tournament.

Click here to view results and photos

October 10 – Season Opener Results

We had 70 students from 23 schools participate in our online Season Opener chess tournament. The tournament featured 2 sections and the top 3 finishes in each section will receive a plaque for their accomplishment that will be mailed to them at their school.


1stAndrey GataulinSkinner North517
2ndRyan HuangLenart North413
tied 3Tuan NguyenGoudy411.5
tied 3Cooper SandmanPritzker411.5


1stAgastya VanamaSkinner North47
2ndChase JonesBrooks HS47
3rdDavid PerezBrooks HS36

Click here for complete results

October 4 – Coaches Meeting

Join us for a Professional Development for Academic Chess and Cops & Kids chess coaches on Tuesday, October 4, 2022, from 4:30 – 6:30 PM.

To confirm your attendance at the Professional Development Training, please complete your registration no later than October 3, 2022. If you have multiple coaches attending the training, please make sure each one registers for the event.


Welcome Back

I hope everyone stayed safe and healthy summer and you were able to take advantage of the great weather and chess offerings across the city.

Over the past 17 years I have worked with the CPS chess program, we have grown from a small group of schools with committed coaches, parents, and students, into a thriving academic chess program that affords engagement opportunities to thousands of students from diverse communities throughout city. Students are now able to participate in after-school chess clubs, city-wide chess tournaments, regional, national, and international chess tournaments at no cost. CPS chess players are among the top rated in the state and have won many state and national competitions.

This year we will continue to organize both in-person and online chess tournaments during the season. We will once again send students to the All-Girls National Chess Championship and the High School National Chess Championship. We will also be sending students to the Pan American Youth Chess Championship that is being held in Chicago in August 2023.

We will be starting the season off with virtual seminars for parents on September 29 followed by a virtual seminar for coaches and school administrators.  See our website for complete details on these and other events. 

David Heiser

Chess Consultant – CPS Academic Chess programs
