Looking For Chess Queens Ambassadors

Are YOU a female-identifying high school student knowledgeable about chess? Are YOU interested in getting paid? Join our team of female high school Ambassadors to lead introductory chess lessons and/or weekly Chess Queens Club meetings and meet other like-minded girls from across Chicago! You will develop leadership skills, serve as a role model to younger girls, have the opportunity to serve on the Leadership Council, serve as a summer camp leader, or assist at tournaments. High school Ambassadors will receive a stipend for the work they do.

The Chicago Public Schools, Renaissance Knights Chess Foundation, in collaboration with Queens United Chess, developed the CPS Chess Queens Initiative. For more information see our Chess Queens webpage and complete the application to get involved!

October 5 – Coaches Meeting

Join us for a Professional Development for Academic Chess and Cops & Kids chess coaches on Tuesday, October 5, 2021, from 4:30 – 6:30 PM.

To confirm your attendance at the Professional Development Training, please complete your registration no later than October 3, 2021. If you have multiple coaches attending the training, please make sure each one registers for the event.


October 11 – Season Opener Tournament

Join us for our Season Opener (Online Tournament) open to students in grades K-12 with 4 sections: Primary K-4, Intermediate K-6, Junior High K-8, & High School 9-12. Join tournament opens at 9:30 am and Round 1 starts at 10:00 am.


To participate in the tournament students must have their ChessKid account associated with our Enterprise Account 3 days prior to the tournament.

Click here for more info.

October 14 – Using ChessKid.com in your Chess Club

Join us for a virtual seminar that will cover the basics of using the ChessKid.com platform in your chess club on Thursday October 14, 2021 from 5:00 – 6:00 PM. This seminar is designed CPS chess coaches looking to learn more about using ChessKid.

To confirm your attendance at this seminar, please complete your registration no later than October 13, 2021. If you have multiple people attending from the same school, please make sure each one registers for the event.


2021 – 2022 Chess Schedule

Below is the schedule for the 2021-22 CPS Academic Chess tournaments, Cops & Kids events and coaches/parent meetings. For the 2021-2022 season we will be utilizing both in-person and online tournaments as well as conducting our seminars and meetings virtually.

We will be adding additional events to this schedule throughout the season.

Parent Seminar*Sep 29 (Wed)5:00 – 6:30 PMOnline
Coaches Meeting*Oct 5 (Tue)4:30 – 6:30 PMOnline
Season Opener Tourney*Oct 11 (Mon no scl day)10 AM StartOnline
Parent Seminar*Oct 18 (Mon)5:00 – 6:30 PMOnline
Oct All StarsOct 23 (Sat)10 AM StartCVCA
Nov Tourney*Nov 5 (Fri no scl day)10 AM StartOnline
Cops & Kids BlitzNov 13 (Sat)10 AM StartOnline
JR Prep (K-8)Nov 20 (Sat)10 AM StartCorliss
Holiday Tourney*Dec 4 (Sat)10 AM StartOnline
Cops & Kids EventDec 11 (Sat)10 AM StartCPD HQ
Cops & Kids BlitzJan 8 (Sat)10 AM StartOnline
MLK Day Tourney*Jan 17 (Mon no scl day)10 AM StartOnline
H.S. ChampJan 22 (Sat)9:30 AM StartWhitney Young
Kings & QueensJan 22 (Sat)10 AM StartWhitney Young
Greater Chicago ChampionshipFeb 5 (Sat)10 AM StartMcCormick Place
Presidents Day Tourney*Feb 21 (Mon no scl day)10 AM StartOnline
Cops & Kids BlitzFeb 26 (Sat)10 AM StartOnline
Elem PlayoffsMar 12 (Sat)10 AM StartWhitney Young
Elem ChampionshipMar 26 (Sat)10 AM StartDunbar
Spring Tourney*Apr 2 (Sat)10 AM StartOnline
USCF H.S. NationalsApr 8-10 (Fri-Sun)Multi DayMemphis, TN
Cops & Kids BlitzApr 16 (Sat)10 AM StartOnline
All-Girls NationalsApr 22 – 24 (Fri – Sun)Multi DayHyatt McCormick
Chess Queens CulminationApr 28 (Thur)9 AM StartOnline
C & K CulminationMay 2 or 3 (weekday)TBACellular Field
May Day Tourney*May 7 (Sat)10 AM StartOnline
USCF Elem. NationalsMay 13 – 15Multi DayColumbus, OH
June Tourney*Jun 11 (Sat)10 AM StartOnline
Summer Spectacular Tourney*Jul 9 (Sat)10 AM StartOnline
Dog Days of Summer Tourney*Aug 13 (Sat)10 AM StartOnline
* denotes online events

August 14 – Dog Days of Summer K-12 Tournament

Join us for our fun and exciting online chess tournament for grades K-12 . Join tournament opens at 9:30 am and Round 1 starts at 10 am. The tournament features 4 sections: K-4, K-6, K-8, & HS with awards in each section.



To participate in the tournament students must have their ChessKid account associated with the CPS Enterprise Account 3 days prior to the tournament. Click here for more info.
